Spumone Installation


For those of you who are pros and have done this before, follow this link for an outline of the process.

Stuff You Need

To install and run Spumone, you will need:

  • Computer running Microsoft Windows. If you use a Mac, there is software that will emulate a PC so that you can run Windows. See here.
  • Spumone installation file: spuInstallXXX.zip. (See download instructions that have been sent to you separately.)
  • Key file: XXXXXkey.txt  (Should have been emailed to you by your instructor or teaching assistant.)
  • A compatible gamepad controller. (Tested with Logitech F310, F710, Dual Action; Xbox 360 [not wireless] .)

Furthermore, if you are using Spumone for Engineering Dynamics, you will need:

  • The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on your computer. You can check if you have Java installed by clicking here.

If you are using Spumone for Dynamic Systems & Control or Computational Methods, you will need:

  • A Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler. I use Visual C++ 2010 Express. It is the free version that is compatible with the ones on the College of Engineering Computers. If you are running Windows 7 or higher you should run Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop, which you may download here. Be sure to get the “Windows Desktop” flavor. If you are using the 2013 version, there will be a few extra steps you need to follow the first time you compile.

Installation Video

Watch the video below for instructions on how to get Spumone up and running.

There are a few extra steps to follow the first time you build, if you are using Visual Studio 2013.

Additional Instructions for Those Running on NIU-CEET Computers

To run Spumone on the College of Engineering computers, there is one extra hoop you need to jump through, due to special permissions on the machines.

Before you try to run, you should be sure that you installed the software on a USB memory stick as described in the video above. Your spumoneXXX, spuNoDelete, (and xxxPilotXxx if not MEE 211) folders should all be in the top level directory of the memory stick. Once all the pieces are in place here’s what to do to run it.

  • The only CEET machines that you will be able to run Spumone on are those in Room 125. Find a computer there, preferably one running Windows 7. 
  • Log in.
  • Plug in your gamepad and your USB memory stick.
  • Open up the folder containing the contents of your memory stick to verify that the Spumone folders are there.
  • Go to Prof. Coller’s folder on the I drive. Double click on “Computer”. Then double click on the “Instruct (I:)” drive. Then go into the “Coller” folder.
  • In the Coller folder, you will find a folder corresponding to your class: e.g. spuExec211, spuExec322, or spuExec381. Go to the appropriate folder.
  • In there, you will find the Spumone executable: spumone.exe. Double click this to run the software. Since the computer will be loading the program into local memory over the network, it will take a little extra time to start up.
  • If you are in MEE 211, you can run the SpuPilot directly from your memory stick.
  • If you are in MEE 322 or MEE 381, you will use the C++ compiler in Visual Studio and work on the program files in the xxxPilotXXX folder on your memory stick.

Submit any questions via Piazza.

Installation Outline (for the pros)

If you’ve installed Spumone before (perhaps for another class) and kinda know what you’re doing, here’s an outline that you can follow to get going quickly:

  • Unpack the spuInstallXXX.zip file in a convenient place. If you plan to use CEET machines, you will have to put it on the top level of a flash drive.
  • Put your key file in your spuNoDelete folder. Rename the key file “key.txt”
  • Run Spumone and check that you get a thin horizontal line of white pixels on the top or bottom edge of the game screen. Also check that you get a thin vertical line of white pixels on the left or right edge of the game screen.
  • If necessary or desired re-size the game screen by running the SpuPilot. Choose World>Settings.


Coming soon.